link-up - significado y definición. Qué es link-up
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Qué (quién) es link-up - definición

Online, Inc.; EContent; KMWorld; Plexus Publishing; Searcher (magazine); CyberAge Books; Computers in Libraries (magazine); Computers in Libraries; CRM Magazine; MultiMedia & Internet@Schools; MultiMedia and Internet @ Schools; MultiMedia and Internet@Schools; Online Searcher; MultiMedia & Internet @ Schools; Link-Up; Link-Up Digital; Information Today, Inc.; Information Today (magazine); KM World; Searcher: The Magazine for Database Professionals

A link-up is a connection between two machines or communication systems.
...a live satellite link-up with Bonn. link-ups with banks in Spain, Portugal, and France.
N-COUNT: oft N with/between n
A link-up is a relationship or partnership between two organizations. link-ups between school and commerce...
N-COUNT: oft N with/between n
¦ noun an instance of linking.
?a connection enabling people or machines to communicate with each other.
Telecommunications link         
  •  ''Feeder links'', here: ''uplink / downlink''}}
Forward link; Reverse link; Downlink; High-speed link; Link (telecommunications); Uplink; HSL link; Down link; Down-link; Up-link; High Speed Link
In a telecommunications network, a link is a communication channel that connects two or more devices for the purpose of data transmission. The link may be a dedicated physical link or a virtual circuit that uses one or more physical links or shares a physical link with other telecommunications links.


Information Today

Information Today, Inc., is an American publishing company. It publishes Internet and technology magazines, newsletters, books, directories and online products.

Information Today was previously known as Learned Information, Inc. Learned Information incorporated on June 1, 1980; the name change was effective June 1, 1995. Learned Information Ltd, an affiliate based in Oxford, England, remained Information Today's European distributor after the name change. Likewise, Information Today remained Learned Information Ltd's distributor.

As of January 2000, Information Today published Information Today, a newsletter (published at least since 1987), and other products geared toward "information users and professionals". That year, it bought Knowledge Asset Media, a company with a similar focus on knowledge management. As of 2012, Information Today ran a conference called Internet Librarian.

Information Today was founded by Thomas Hogan and Roger Bilboul. Its headquarters are in Medford, New Jersey.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para link-up
1. Link up?
Mindfulness in Parenting _ Daniel Rechtschaffen _ Talks at Google
2. link up in the chain.
The Evolution of Everything - How New Ideas Emerge _ Matt Ridley _ Talks at Google
3. humans began to link up globally
4. that messaging doesn't always link up together.
Brand Storytelling _ Bridget Russo _ Talks at Google
5. will link up to each other.
Brainstorm - The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain _ Dan Siegel _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de link-up
1. Sosedi helps people link up for renting collectively.
2. That is understood to mean it will oppose the link–up with Deutsche Börse.
3. The link–up took place on 15 August, marking the 60th anniversary of independence from Japan.
4. Recent talk of a link–up between Korea, Japan and China has heightened those concerns.
5. Such a pipeline would link up to an existing pipeline to Turkey and bypass Russia.